Shrine pages:

Backstory and dialogue

  ♱ Aria of Sorrow dialogue

  ♱ Dawn of Sorrow dialogue

Official art and design analysis

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My interpretation and headcanons

Dawn of Sorrow dialogue

First meeting, Soma, Yoko and Julius meet at the drawbridge.

Soma: Huh? Those two…

Yoko: Oh! Soma!

Julius: …

Soma: Yoko. Julius. What are you two doing here?

Yoko: Funny you should ask that. We got wind of this cult from a tip by Arikado. I’m investigating with Mr. Belmont. I’m sure you remember him, the hunter.

Julius: Soma, please understand. If the darkness draws you in…I have no choice but to destroy you.

Soma: Yes, I know…

Julius: Then, there is no reason for you to be here.

Yoko: That’s right. You’re only putting yourself in danger.

Soma: That Celia woman…not only was she after me, she tried to harm Mina too. I’m not gonna stop until I find her.

Julius: You’re determined, I see. Then, I have nothing more to say.

Yoko: Wait. Wait, Julius. How can you just say that?

Julius: I’ll be going now.

Yoko: Wait a second. I’m coming too.

Julius: No, Yoko, you stay. We’ll need a contact here, just in case.

Yoko: Hey, wait! You can’t just…!

(Julius jumps over the drawbridge)

Yoko: Men! They’re so selfish! I bet you have no intention of going home, either.

Soma: Well, uh…

Yoko: Fine then. Here, take this.

Soma: And this is?

Yoko: A Magic Seal.

Soma: Magic Seal?

Yoko: The cult leader appears to create gates that draw the power of darkness. Monsters exposed to that power are said to be invincible.

Soma: So how am I supposed to destroy them?

Yoko: That’s where this Magic Seal comes in. Want to practice using it?


Yoko: Oh, one more thing. You can practice drawing a Magic Seal anytime. If you’re not sure how to do it, you should definitely practice.

Soma: Got it.

Yoko: A Magic Seal activates on its own when it’s needed. Give it a try and see. Okay now…let’s go, Soma.

Soma: Huh? Go where?

Yoko: It’s a dead end here. Only Julius could get in from somewhere like this. We should go back and find a different way in.

Soma: All right. If we have to…

Yoko: There’s no shelter from the rain and wind here either. Will you escort me?

Soma: Uh…sure, of course.

Yoko: Thanks. Let’s go.

Second meeting, Condemned tower. (Soma sees Julius look at a dark barrier in the floor)

Julius: …

Soma: Julius. What are you doing?

Julius: Huh? Oh, it’s you. This door is sealed by a powerful barrier. Something’s behind it too.

Soma: Do you sense something bad?

Julius: Yes. I can feel it in my gut, and it doesn’t feel good. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to check what’s behind the door.

Soma: Why is that?

Julius: The barrier’s too strong. I may be able to crack it, but just a bit. It’d be better to contact Yoko and await help. What about you?

Soma: Well… (I described what I had discovered to Julius)

Julius: The dark lord’s candidates. It sounds as if that should be my next target. I will see about joining Arikado.

Third meeting, Clock tower.

(Celia teleports in front of Soma)

Soma: ?!

Celia: You’ve only come this far? You seem to be taking this rather leisurely?

Soma: What are you trying to say?

Celia: Dario has grown stronger by fusing with the demon of fire I summoned for him.

(Arikado walks in)

Arikado: I see. Is that your plan?

Julius: Soma, back off.

(Julius walks in)

Soma: Arikado! Julius too!

Celia: Your presence is without meaning. No one can stop Dario now. The emergence of the new lord of darkness is all but certain now. (vanishes)

Arikado: Julius! I’m sensing a surge of magical power from the river. It must be Dario. You go after him. I’ll track down Celia. (leaves)

Julius: Soma, from here on you stay away and let us take care of it.

Fourth meeting, Silenced ruins. (Soma finds Julius on his knees after fighting Dario)

Julius: Ungh!

Soma: Julius!

Julius: I’m fine. Don’t worry.

Dario: What? You done already? So much for the “legendary” Belmont!

Julius: Hmph. Talk all you want…

Dario: Hey, punk! Looks like I can get me a little payback from ya! But I’m not at full power just yet…the throne chamber on the top floor—you were headin’ there weren’t ya? That’s where we’ll settle scores once and for all. (vanishes)

Julius: Watch it. He’s tough. Especially for me, since I can’t use Magic Seals.

Soma: Hold on, Julius. You can’t use Magic Seals?

Julius: Uh-huh. What about it?

Soma: Well, didn’t you run into monsters that you couldn’t detroy?

Julius: No, I destroyed them before they could reconstitute. They weren’t a problem. But this time, I don’t think that’ll work.

Soma: (You’ve got to be joking. That should have been impossible.)

Julius: Forget about me. You can go on. I’ll be fine.

Soma: He’s expecting me. I’ll be on my way.

Julius: Watch out for his fire attacks. But you can do it. Don’t disappoint me.

Soma: Got it.

Julius and Arikado talk outside the castle. (After getting the bad ending)

Julius: So…Soma has become the new dark lord. I have no other choice…the battles of the past are to be waged once again…

Arikado: I had assumed that he would have equipped the talisman from Mina…it would have protected him. But alas, I will have to unleash my power…

Soma finds Julius and Arikado at the dark barrier, Condemned tower.

Julius: Break the barrier? It’s definitely possible. But there’s no guarantee I’ll have energy left to fight.

Arikado: Without your power, it’s impossible for us to get through. They have to be stopped at all costs.

Julius: …well, I suppose this is an emergency. Fine. Stand back. Here goes.

(does Cross Crush)


(barrier breaks)

Julius: Ungh…the barrier…it’s gone.

Arikado: I’m sorry.

Julius: Go already! There’s no time for chitchat.

Arikado: Right.

(Arikado drops through the floor)

Julius: Soma? Growing old is a horrible thing.

Soma: Just relax. Don’t worry. We’ll take it from here.

Julius: All right. I’m counting on you. Don’t let me down, kid.

Good ending, after defeating Menace.

Soma: I…

Soma: I…

(room begins to shake)

Mina: Stop!

Arikado: What are you doing? This place won’t hold. We have to get out.

(Seen from outside, the castle crumbles.)

Arikado: We’re finished here. Let’s go.

Soma: …

Arikado: Soma, what’s wrong?

Soma: Tell me. Just what is the dark lord?

Celia: What Celia told you wasn’t neccessarily wrong. The dark lord is the entity opposite to God.

Soma: Then that means there will always be a need for a dark lord. All because I ducked out from becoming the next in line!

Arikado: Don’t misconstrue me! Perhaps there is a need for the dark lord…but there is no reason at all for you to become the dark lord.

Soma: But if it weren’t for me, none of this would have happened!

Arikado: You are neither a god nor a demon. You’re only human. You have no chance at ever achieving perfection. Or are you saying you want to be the dark lord?

Soma: No…of course not.

Arikado: Then stay true to that. Look.

(Julius, Yoko, and Hammer are standing behind Arikado)

Arikado: There are people waiting for you. Don’t break their hearts.

Soma: Everyone…

Julius: You kept your promise.

Yoko: Welcome back, Soma.

Hammer: Look like you’re all done! Your face says it all.

Soma: Arikado… you’re right…

(Mina enters)

Soma: Mina! What are you doing here?

Mina: What do you mean? I was so worried…

Soma: Oh Mina, I’m sorry. Don’t cry.

Mina: Gotcha! Welcome back, Soma.

Julius: Poor Soma. She’ll have you wrapped around her finger.

Yoko: Oh, without a doubt.

Hammer: I’d like to be wrapped around Yoko’s finger…

Soma: Wh-what are you saying? We’re not like that!

(Julius, Yoko, and Hammer laugh)

Mina: Th-that’s right!

Julius: No need to be bashful, you two.

Arikado: If the world needs a dark lord, it will emerge. Even if it’s not you, Soma…

Julius mode

Meeting Yoko, Lost village.

Julius: Yoko?

Yoko: Julius! How rude of you to just run off without saying a word to me!

Julius: Sorry, but this is my duty. I belong to the Belmont clan after all.

Yoko: Well, isn’t that rather insulting? We Belnades have fought alongside the Belmonts to defeat Dracula.

Julius: That’s true, but…

Yoko: You don’t have to bear the grief alone. People support each other. I wish you would at least trust me a little more.

Julius: You’re right. I’m sorry. I do have faith in you.

Yoko: And me in you.

Meeting Alucard, Demon guest house.

Alucard: You’re late, Julius.

Julius: Arikado? Or should it be Alucard?

Alucard: That doesn’t matter. I had to transform to draw out my full power.

Julius: He’s grown so powerful that you have to go that far?

Alucard: Yes. Failure isn’t an option. I need your help.

Julius: That’s why I came. You have my trust.

Final battle, throne room

Julius: Soma…it’s time I fulfilled my promise to you.

